maro's EPD2diag JavaScript

jsEPD2diag - an EPD string viewer/editor JavaScript
Copyright (c) 1998 Manfred Rosenboom (maro)
This JavaScript is FREEWARE.
(see the licence file jsEPD2diag.txt)

How To Use This JavaScript

The purpose of this JavaScript is to visualize EPD strings, entered (copied) in the text box and to build own positions.

Visualization Of An EPD String
Enter the EPD string into the text field, labeled "Enter EPD String", eihter by typing in the string manually or just by pasting the EPD string from the Windows clipboard into the text field. Click on the button "Set Board" and you will see the board position, related to the entered EPD string.

Creation Of Positions
Just click on a piece to the left or right of the board and than click on the field, you want to position the piece. If you want to move a positioned piece on another square, first click on the piece and then click on the new field. You can delete a positioned piece by clicking two times on the piece. Each time you change the board, the EPD string will be automatically updated.

Further Options
In the "Select further options" selection box, you can select one of the following commands:
  • Clear Board
    Remove all pieces from the board.
  • Initial Position
    Create the initial game position on the board.
  • Create HTML Table
    Create the HTML table source code for the shown position in the text area labeled "HTML Table Output" below the board. You can copy the shown code via the Windows clipboard into your own application.
  • Validate Position
    Do some simple checks, whether the position might be a valid position or not.

Valid Positions Only Checkbox
HTML table output will only be created for valid positions, if this box is checked (default).

Download jsEPD2diag (ca. 15kb)

Copyright (c) 1998 Manfred Rosenboom (email: